We may not be able to solve every problem, but our goal is to give “Hope for the Moment”!
“The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'” (Matt. 25:40 NIV)
Our Mission
We exist to equip Garner, NC Police officers with "Crisis Ready Backpacks" to provide individuals with essential items in crisis situations.
The Garner Police Department, Hope Community Church and Garner CAPT Team are partnering to bring “Hope for the Moment.” We invite all to join our partnership and help us gather essential supplies for our citizens in crisis or without permanent shelter. These bags will be deployed in Garner patrol vehicles and given to those who need “Hope for the Moment.”

Each Backpack Contains *
Backpack |
Bar soap |
Bath towel |
Body wipes |
Conditioner |
Dental kit |
Deodorant |
Gallon size plastic bag |
Gift card ($25.00 Walmart) |
Hair brush / comb |
Hand sanitizer |
Hand towel |
Laminated resource list |
Lip balm |
Lotion |
Plastic bag (small) |
Pocket tissues |
Poncho |
Shampoo |
Shower cap |
Socks |
Water bottle |
Winter Additions
Blanket |
Gloves |
Hand warmer |
Winter hat |
*Actual items may vary from the products shown
(100% of all donations stay in Garner, NC.)
- Amazon Wishlist - make a purchase from the list and select Hope for the Moment as the shipping option
We use Zeffy as our fundraising service. Zeffy is 100% free and 100% of your contribution will make it to Hope for the Moment. Zeffy is operated solely on contributor support. We would encourage you to consider a small percentage to allow us to continue use of this free invaluable service. Zeffy support is completely optional. Contributions received through Zeffy will automatically receive receipts via email.